
BExcellent is a member of the Beacon Group, a successful and celebrated private education institution with a history of 30 years and a network of 18 branches throughout the territory. We offer widely differing cultural activities and educational services with a view to facilitating the holistic development, academic success, and career enhancement of learners from all walks of life in the region.


Our objective is to advocate the pursuit of life-long holistic learning and offer a cultural and intellectual platform which develops people’s skills and capabilities in the context of education, the workplace, and self-development.

Our Mission:
  • 增進人們對香港及東西方地區的文化認知;to foster people’s cultural understanding about Hong Kong and other regions in the East and West;
  • 促進人們智能、群體、美學及體能方面的發展,由本地不同行業的知名專業人士舉辦研討會與課程;to enhance people’s intellectual, social, aesthetic, and physical development through seminars and courses led by renowned local professionals in different fields;
  • 培養人們在大專求學的技巧、增強在職人士的溝通能力;to develop people’s distinctive skills and capabilities in the context of post-secondary education and workplace communication;
  • 製造積極的閱讀氛圍、創造廣闊的溝通平台;to nurture an active reading atmosphere and create a vast discussion platform at our exclusive bookshop and in different schools; and
  • 鼓勵追求終身、全面的學習與成長。to encourage the pursuit of life-long holistic learning and growth.